Caplin Systems were one of the 30+ sponsors at the FIX Protocol trading summit in Hong Kong on May 23.
Participants included global technology vendors, banks and exchanges.
We would like to thank everyone who stopped by the booth and participated in our Caplin Trader demonstrations.
All the event presentations were very topical and well attended but there were a few that stood out:
1. The keynote speech by David Eldon, “The Growing Pile of BS in Asia” – where the title raised a few eyebrows…..until David explained that the BS he referred to meant Banana Skins. And then assisted the metaphor by distributing bananas to the audience!
2. The after lunch keynote speech by Mike Walsh – “World Next – Your Roadmap to the Global Future” was very cleverly delivered and thought-provoking.
Hope to see you at the next conference – APTAS in Singapore on June 27.